Brand Monitoring

Brand Threats are Rampant

Malicious Social Campaigns

"Malicious actors competitors run campaigns against your company and cause damages to your brand and its market perceptions"

"Fake social accounts are created in name of your company to spread false information or to misrepresent your company"

Castellum Labs Brand Monitoring Service

We hunt for fake sites and mobile apps
Filter social media chatter against your brand
Detect fake social accounts and track their activity

Detect Brand Threats
Take Actions !

"Our Brand Monitoring will detect brand threats against your
company and enable you to take pre-emptive and response action"

Brand Analysis and Intel

Brand Monitoring Coverage

find out more

Our Brand Monitoring
Simplifies Monitoring

Reimagining Cyber Security and business model approaches.

Get started today!

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Delivering high-quality projects for international clients. Ask us about digital, branding and storytelling.