Delivery & Collaboration

Designed for Superior Customer Experience

Single PoC/Central Team

A delivery model to optimize information flow between security cycle on ground and security visibility to customers.

Program based Execution

Irrespective of your s/w release speed and irrespective of your choice of testing cycle, all of the execution in our AppSec is program based.

Single Window to AppSec

Customers see issues, coverage, status, reports & dashboards, all on one portal. One unified view of all of your software security at one place.

Optimized Calls/Reports

Our program modeled execution and our platforms allow us to present a consistent picture detailing state of security on pre-designed web calls & weekly and daily reports.

Unified Window

Escalated Phase Model

Multi Skilled Project Team

Program Execution

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Delivery & Collaboration
simplifies monitoring

Reimagining Cyber Security for NextGen Threats !

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