One size does not fit all

Every Software Surface is Different

Key Drivers of Software Security

Castellum AppSec Engagement Models

On Demand AppSec Programs

Get your applications a strong baseline with our greybox and white box security testing. Outcome will be deep & analytical insight into vulnerabilities & an understanding of state of your software, as of today!

Frequency AppSec Programs

You know your apps and you want to have trusted partner to execute runs on a frequency basis. Get into an annual contract for quarterly or monthly runs Auto orchestrated and seamless for peace of mind!

Continuous AppSec Programs

You have CI/CD. You do multiple releases of software into production every month or every week. You find it difficult to do security testing at speed of your release. Let us help you with our Continuous AppSec Program!

Managed DevSecOps Programs

You would like your software security to be inline with your s/w development process. You would like to have scans and tests triggered off, on events in DevOps environment. Castellum’s fully managed DevSecOps is the answer!

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One size does not fit all
Application Security

These insight help you take decisions on automation, investments and DevSecOps adoption.

Get started today!

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